RTPO Visibility Actions

On June 26th, the RTPO participated in the Policy Summit on EU-Latin America Relations which was held in Brussels.

RTPO Visibility Actions

The RTPO’s goal is to strengthen the visibility of the network as an efficient regional network which aims to promote the internationalization of SMEs. Accordingly, AWEX, the Wallonia, Belgium-based agency which holds the presidency for the 2012 term, has focused on the organization of the following actions:

1.    The Network will continue to pursue the visibility mission in front of international organizations (IDB, World Bank, UNCTAD, ITC), which was initiated in 2011. The Network will set up an activity for its members which will consist of a two-day program of individual meetings targeting key officials from EU institutions based in Brussels, in coordination with ACC10

2.   The Network will present the capacities and achievements of the RTPO as a subnational networking model at the TPO World Conference in Kuala Lumpur in October. A parallel objective is also to follow up with contacts made at the October 2011 Geneva meeting. The Network would like that ITC officials include subnational level TPOs in the TPO Awards.

3.    The President represented the Network at an AL-Invest IV conference in Brussels in June. The objective was to showcase our knowledge in the promotion of the the internationalization process of SMEs. Related to this activity, AWEX, serving as president of the network, participated in the Policy Summit on EU-Latin America Relations, which took place in Brussels on June 26. The conference topic was “EU-Latin America Relations: Turning Investment into Opportunity”. The event was organized, within the framework of the AL-Invest IV Program,by EUROCHAMBRES, Friends of Europe, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. The results of the conference were incorporated into preparation for the upcoming Summit of the EU-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which took place in January 2013.

4.    AWEX together with ACC1O, planned a visibility action targeting a key department of the European Commission in Brussels on October 26th. The main goal was to position RTPO (and its members) as a high-level technical assistance provider that could lead to our participation in: a) projects related to the development of internationalisation support services for SMEs; b)  business cooperation projects for the benefit of our SMEs. The network visited the International Affairs unit of DG Enterprise and Industry, in Brussels.

