“Québec Wind Energy Conference” – Québec, Canada
The Québec Wind Energy Conference is a must-attend event that brings together more than 250 participants from all backgrounds. This year will mark the 8th edition of the event, which will be held from 9-11 June in Gaspé, Québec.
The Québec Wind Energy Conference places particular emphasis on innovation and the issues facing the wind power network. The main theme of this year’s conference will be "Not just energy!" Attendees of the 8th Québec Wind Energy Industry Conference hail from a range of industry sectors, both public and private, as well as from various regions of Canada and other countries across the world. The event this year will feature a diversified program focusing on current issues affecting the wind power industry in Québec. There will also be a return of the “Wind Meetings”, following a record level of participation in 2013. This organized, private business meeting service for contract givers and suppliers in the wind power sector was a tremendous success last year, with 202 business meetings being scheduled. Québec, Canada
9, 10, 11 June 2014