GIRART Market offers artistic managers of the world the chance to learn about the best theatre, dance and music performances produced in Argentina



Argentina’s performing arts and music market takes place in the city of Cordoba and is organized by Girart production team, the association theater “La Cochera” and the Network of Cultural Promoters of Latin America and the Caribbean (La Red).


GIRART offers cultural entrepreneurs from Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and the USA, among others, the opportunity to become familiar with the greatest performing arts and music presentations of Argentina, with
so as to arrange future presentations in festivals, fairs and national and internationals artistic circles.


Some of the activities proposed by Girart are:

Business rounds


Live artistic performances

New Cultural Markets, Agreements, and Cooperation and Exchange Programs.


1 July 2015
Cordoba, Argentina